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Are you investing in ads that do
more brand harm than good?

Picnic recently partnered with global public opinion company, YouGov, to carry out research on opinions towards user experiences on the ad-funded web. The findings reveal that poor advertising experiences not only achieve diminishing returns, but actively turn consumers away from infringing brands.



of people agree digital ads
that appear on websites
are annoying.


feel overwhelmed

It was revealed in the survey that 86% of people agreed that too many ads on a webpage makes them feel overwhelmed and more likely to ignore the ads.

When asked about the impact of annoying or intrusive ad experiences...



agree it reduces brand trust


agree it negatively affects brand perception


agree it makes them less likely to purchase from the brand

Yet, respondents still see value in the ad-funded web

enjoy reading free content from reputable publishers
like discovering new products and brands on the open web

If brands and media planners can shift their approach towards prioritising ad solutions that resolve user experience issues on the web, we as an industry can drastically reduce the amount of ineffective, wasted and even damaging ad spend.

Matthew Goldhill,
Founder & CEO

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