Meet Charlotte, Head of Client Success

Tell us a little bit about you.
Hi, I’m Charlotte and I’m a born and bred Londoner. I grew up in Fulham and have since really expanded my horizons and moved to Clapham..
I was the first Picnic hire, as an Account Manager, and have been here for almost 4 years now! It’s my first media role and I’ve loved every second of it.
Describe your role at Picnic.
As Account Director, I head up the Account Management team. I am responsible for team management, recruitment, strategy and processes, amongst other things.
I work closely with other team leads at Picnic to ensure team cohesion, seamless campaign delivery and the best possible performance for our clients. I am the escalation point for any campaign issues and the key point of contact within the Account Management team for all our agencies.
What are your passions outside of work?
Travelling is a big passion of mine. My aim was to travel to 30% of the countries in the world by the time I was 30, however Covid really put a spanner in the works. Next year I’m planning trips to Columbia and Japan as well as a few countries I haven’t been in Europe.
Another passion of mine is food. Perhaps that’s why I enjoy travelling so much. I love cooking shows and my favourite cuisine is Japanese, so I’m hoping to do a cooking lesson or two when I’m in Japan!
I am also a huge sucker for musical theatre, even though I absolutely cannot sing (everyone who has heard me attempt Karaoke will agree with me on that).
Who has been the biggest influence on your career, and why?
My mum, 100%. She was the one who encouraged me to take a leap of faith and join a start up in an industry I had never worked in before, where I would be the only employee. I really believed in Matt and our other co-founder Rob, and she could see that. She couldn’t have been more right as here I am 4 years later, in a job I love which still pushes me to learn every single day. I’ll be forever grateful to her for encouraging me to go for it!
Finally, tell us a fun fact about you.
When I was younger I played 2 sports at national level and they couldn’t be more different from each other: lacrosse and chess. Sadly I don’t do either anymore, although I did pick up chess again for a bit after Queen’s Gambit came out.